Predictive Modelling

The ClinPredict team has extensive experience in developing robust and validated clinical predictive models. Dr Nav Tangri, scientific director at ClinPredict, developed one the most impactful predictive models to date, the Kidney Failure Risk Equation (KFRE). This model has been utilized to drive better clinical decision making in those patients living with chronic kidney disease.

Try the KFREGet in Touch


ClinPredict has a strong track record of optimizing existing predictive models or building new models from scratch. We can also leverage unique data sets to supplement your own in order to improve model performance. 

EHR INtegrations

Our team will  take predictive models and turn them into action. We design and build EHR integrations to ensure data-driven insights are acted upon at the point of care.


Predictive models are often dependent on data that exists in research databases. In real clinical practice, needed variable are often unavailable if they haven’t yet been tested or added to the clinical database. ClinPredict solves for missing data with ease.

Data-driven decision making

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